I suspect rather that DHS needs to first acquire the expertise to deal with 
these issues, and participate as
helpers rather than as directors. 
Nanog has dealt with interruptions to the Internet in the past, with success 
enough that most people are unaware that
major problems ever occurred. There is no reason to expect anyone in government 
could do as well, and blocking
discussion (the general effect of banning it in "public places" - ever work on 
a spook job?) would have made the
recovery in the last outage I heard about impossible. 
Unfortunately, wisdom and knowledge do not automatically come with authority. 
DHS has authority, at least within the
US, but has not the record of accomplishment that Nanog has. Let them come 
forward with improved routing codes that
are not subject to attacks, or with protocols that can be seen to be better 
than are current, get them discussed, and
act to facilitate (often = "pay for") changing over to such, and this would 
provide the kind of reputation that would get
them followed and improve safety without writing mandates that could make 
things worse. They should of course be open
to competing designs also, since others may come up with better designs. 
Participating in this way would show
Glenn Everhart
(speaking for myself)
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of worried security
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 12:32 PM
To: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] DHS need to get on top of this right now

I'm sorry everyone I was just trying to highlight a valid point, i didn't 
expect a flame war to errupt.
The DHS need to ban ISP's from talking about infrastructure security in public 
places. it should be classified information don't you all think?
Just because Nanog has been offending for years by talking about similar 
subjects doesn't mean its ok and action should be taken now to prevent the 
continuation of critical infrastructure security recovery be talked about in 
For anyone who does care about what i'm talking about, I apologize about the 
trolls in my thread who told me I worked in Mc Donalds and KFC.
I know not everyone hates me so perhaps we can have mature discussions about 
the DHS and Nanog instead of bashing each other saying I work in Mc Donalds, 
KFC etc.

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