On 10/27/07, Morning Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> redirection yes, crash no ( IE7 ) crash yes ( IE6 )

morning wood, why would you want to crash IE6? is this because you're part
of the whole zone-h agenda? yeah crashing IE6 is something you script
kiddies do.

if this was someone else mentioning IE6 crashes I wouldn't be worried, but
its the fact you're connected to the biggest malicious hacker website in the
world that it really concerns me.

check out his website everyone, http://www.zone-h.org they tell script kids
to submit defacements to their website and morning wood is part of the team,
his picture is even in the staff section.

everyone keep an eye on morning wood and I urge you to not associate
yourself with him on the mailing lists, he is constantly being investigated
because of his links with the zone-h agenda.

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