On Nov 4, 2007 8:45 AM, Radu State <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>      P is the proxy located at URL:    proxy.org
<http://proxy.org>     X is the attacker located at URL: attacker.lan.org
>      V is the victim located at URL:   victim.lan.org
>      V is also registered with P under the username [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  .
>         Step 3) The accomplice Y steps in and invites victim V, and then
> the victim decides
>              to put X on hold

to make this "exploit" work you need more conditions present than in The
Malloc Maleficarum.

If Alice sits in bob's lap and bob looks over alices shoulder and sees her
type her password and alice does not notice bob then bob has broken the
security of the windows login.

> POC code:
>      Available ONLY to legitimate VoIP device manufacturers.
> Will you "step down to them" and send them more of your expert perl? or
will you send them iterative loops in lisp

>      Humberto Abdelnur, Ph.D student, the Madynes team at INRIA
>      Radu State, Ph.D, the Madynes team at INRIA
>      Olivier Festor, Ph.D the Madynes team at INRIA
phd is the new cissp!
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