I. D. wrote:
> Datapac? In my experience, there aren't many things left there... of
> course, I don't work in that industry. I thought most transactions/work
> took places on other Canadian packet-switched networks. As for south of
> the border, I know even less.

Well it's been 20 years since I played around on Datapac myself. So
anyone out there in X.25 land or that uses the stuff regularly, it'd be
great to hear facts, statistics and anecdotes ;) Same for frame relay
nowadays too.

I am going to check out what nmap has for IP enabled PLCs and related
gear, SCADA apps, etc. See if anything is lacking and try to contribute
back something to fill the hole(s). Anyone know what the nmap coverage
is like for x25/frame stuff like pad/frad/wtf devices?

I had already started cataloging photos of antennas with the intent of
establishing a database to assist people in identifying frequencies and
uses. Sadly it took a few hours to figure out someone else must have
done this. Came across
http://www.geckobeach.com/cellular/cellpixs/cellid.php and
http://www.geckobeach.com/cellular/cellpixs/fido_pix.php and liked those.

Something along that line but more technical and far more expansive
would be a great idea. An option to submit photos for identification
would be a nice touch and assist in expanding the database. A moderated
newsgroup that accepts binaries might be a better way of accomplishing
the same thing. I fired up Pan to check this morning but did not find
anything. Anyone here with the ability feel like creating a newsgroup? I
mean someone with a real nntp server not some bullshit resold service.

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