On Dec 5, 2007 12:15 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ol? Kristian Hermafroditas you useless fagot, shoes of clown are apparent.

Dude, you criticize everyone with the same hatred and bad english.
Check out what you said about security researcher, and woman, Raven
Adler just a few months ago.

b?sicamente can you comment in the rumors that alike to the vast majority of
female investigators of the security you used to be a man?

beyond that on the rumors that with you shoes of clown are apparent and
jacket sports is being worn ?


Ham Beast -- just take it easy, OK champ?  You are probably the same
guy in the seated conference crowd that shouted nasty things to Raven
after her laptop was compromised by some unfortunate soul.  "0day can
happen to anyone" ... lighten up ... we're all friends here :-)  There
is no need to bash other people just to bash other people.  At least
back up your claims with some factual evidence.  For instance, why
does Raven, as you say, "wear clown shoes"?????
Kristian Erik Hermansen
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious."

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