On Dec 22, 2007 4:26 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 13:11:22 GMT, worried security said:
> > In 5 to 10 years n3td3v should be an elite force of people from
> > corporate,government,military,intelligence,law and freelance ethical
> > hackers that is way bigger than any other group on the internet.
> The only problem is that the talent pool is quite shallow, and there simply
> aren't enough people to make a group that's both "an elite force" and
> "way bigger".  It's even more difficult when you consider that most of the
> actually elite people are already busy with membership in too many groups
> already, and won't be interested in joining another one unless they see
> some *clear* benefit not already provided by any groups they are already in.

We're already elite and big... and writing off 4000 subscribers as
talentless is a bad idea.
The global elite are subscribed... I can't tell you who are on the
members list who are eavesdropping for privacy reasons, but the big
boys are subscribed. It would also be wrong for me to name drop for
moral reasons. Getting them to move from sleeper eavesdropping mode
into being active participants is the next step in n3td3v history.
Considering the group only stopped being a mailing list mirror in
summer 2007, it is already beginning to develop into a self supporting
interactive user driven community. Watch this space Valdis, you will
be eating your words further down the years.

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