On Jan 1, 2008 8:51 PM, reepex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...
> So you list 5 tools they use then mention they modify a javascript
> library...  So basically they use automated tools and  are former  web
> developers ... sound pretty hardcore

this is sufficient skill for lucrative security audit / validation
testing in the corporate / gov world.  i don't think anyone would call
that 'hardcore' exploit / pentest / redteam ability...

are you in it for money or love?  this changes the aspect entirely.

the majority of security services paid for by these organizations is
routine application of accepted industry guidelines as defined by
usually bulky and cumbersome committees of varied competence and

this, and the complete lack of rigor / utility of secreview's sewaqe
writing, is why i could care not even half a mouse's shit less about
any of these reviews.

please shut the fuck up secreview.  kthx

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