well I will miss all your fan mail from the past. maybe i will forward them
to the list one day for other's entertainment

On Jan 2, 2008 9:55 PM, scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> An your earth-shattering views are *SO* important,you must make sure
> everyone hears you.I think you just like to see your own posts.
> I'm filtering your posts from now on as they are nothing but from a
> wanna-be trying to play kids games in a mans world.
> I shouldn't waste my time responding to a teeny- bopper,anyway.
> Scott
> reepex wrote:
> > So you included me in here because my name has something to do with farm
> > equipment? Did your message have a point?
> >
> > You wrote a bunch of nonsense flattering your favorite security stars
> and
> > then attempted to flame us with one liners that did not make sense.. It
> > seems you are caught in between the serious posters ( since you have no
> > skill, you cannot post anything useful), and the trolls ( because you
> are
> > not funny or convincing ).
> >
> > My version of full disclosure is calling out idiots with Cissps and
> Phds who
> > post here and think their XSS and earth shattering barragess of 0x41's
> makes
> > them security experts.
> >
> > On Jan 2, 2008 10:46 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Critical Vulnerability in [Full-Disclosure]
> >>
> >> The problem with full disclosure is that everyone feels the need to
> >> fully disclose, even when their opinion and the information they
> >> are purporting to impart is, well, bollocks. You can't tell them to
> >> shut up as they think they're important and the internet gives them
> >> balls of steel and verbal diarhoea, so we stumble from one tired
> >> flamewar to another with no useful content being published.
> >>
> >> It's embarrassing.
> >>
> >> I'm an advocate of FD as a concept. I believe that there is no such
> >> thing as an innocent on the internet and if you really are that
> >> dumb, then you deserve everything you get. FD (as one of many like-
> >> minded lists) forces the vendors to patch or die and eventually
> >> write quality code. FD (the concept, not the list) is the ultimate
> >> nuclear deterrent, without the mutually assured destruction lunacy.
> >>
> >> I have watched the posters to this list for some time. By far the
> >> vast majority are transparently kiddies, sitting on their painted-
> >> up laptops thinking of themselves as the techno-brats in the film
> >> "Hackers" and hoping to grow up to be like the guy in the film
> >> "Swordfish". They write in l33t5p34k and think that this somehow
> >> makes them informed. Kiddies are the lowest form of life in the
> >> hierarchy of information security and in the IT industry generally.
> >>
> >> You know who you are and so does everyone else. You are fools, and
> >> an embarrassment to the craft:
> >> Secreview (review of products/services you have never bought, are
> >> you the goatse.cz receiver?)
> >> Reepex (Isn't a reepex a bit of farm machinery?)
> >> Gobbles (A nickname for a gay male prostitute)
> >> Morning Wood (The holy grail of the viagra-abuser)
> >> Gmaggro ("high value target selection", are you completely cocking
> >> stupid?)
> >>
> >> Oh, the outrage.
> >>
> >> I can see it now. there will be armies of skiddies demanding that
> >> the l33tz hack this [EMAIL PROTECTED], spam him, pwn him, and post 
> >> defamatory
> >> messages concerning her skills and possible employment
> >> opportunities for her and her mother everywhere possible. Guess
> >> what, kids? I don't care.
> >>
> >> No, not even a little bit. Do what you like, I could care less and
> >> no one else cares if you live or die tonight, you sad, acne'd
> >> little dewdrops.
> >>
> >> Calmed down yet?
> >>
> >> Good. I want you to consider something.
> >>
> >> The FD list consists of the following content (and what it has to
> >> say):
> >>
> >> Advisories by vendors (we fixed this)
> >> Advisories by individuals (I tested that and found this)
> >> Advisories by infosec organisations (we found this)
> >> Funnies (self explanatory)
> >> Opinions (this sucks, what about that?)
> >> Skids (I did this, aren't I great, everyone else sucks?)
> >> Trolls (you suck)
> >> Trawlers (I have something 0day to buy or sell)
> >>
> >> The top three (ie the useful content) is available in any one of a
> >> hundred places, the bottom three are noise. The only people
> >> interested in the noise are those who keep track of it for a
> >> living.
> >>
> >> So, consider that by posting anything in the bottom three
> >> categories, you are drawing the attention of those who take an
> >> interest in your sad efforts to destabilise the technical crutch of
> >> society. These people are better than you in every important way,
> >> and if you so much as tiptoe across one of their lines, you'll wind
> >> up sharing a cell with a 7ft gorilla called george with a dead
> >> mouse and a pressing need to dry-cornhole your ringpiece 3 times a
> >> night and twice on sundays. Do yourselves a favour and STFU.
> >>
> >> What's left?
> >>
> >> The funnies and the opinions. I've laughed my tits off at posts by
> >> Mssrs Coderman, Diggle, Dripping, VanWinkle and Mengele, and i've
> >> been interested by a few others who will remain nameless as I can't
> >> list them all. Long live full disclosure, but keep in mind that
> >> you're only legends in your own bedrooms.
> >>
> >> later, pi
> >>
> >> --
> >> Click to get a free auto insurance quotes from top companies.
> >>
> >>
> http://tagline.hushmail.com/fc/Ioyw6h4d8EIl5uJlSoB5C7HKVmuBsQOXlKB8YUus2MT2FpMkQCNmCM/
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> >> Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
> >> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/
> >>
> >
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> > Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
> > Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/
> - --
> <b>redhowlingwolves</b>
> <br>Web:<a href=http://www.hacking-passion.com/>
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> =fasY
> _______________________________________________
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

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