so gadi can use ethereal and uninstall malware? congrats?

On 1/17/08, Richard Golodner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         I have been friends with Gadi through email for many years now and
> he needs to have someone represent for him. He is a good guy, signs his
> own
> email instead of the hushmail or Gmail mask.
>          On top of all that he is also a knowledgeable and friendly guy.
> He
> does a great job exploring and reporting the areas of interest to him and
> has helped many people remove bot-net problems from their own nets. Give
> the
> guy a break, he is a good dude.
>         P.S. Punks do not know what federal agencies read these dumb ass
> lists but should be aware that email threats can be taken very far in
> courts
> these days. Ask old Kevin!
> Richard Golodner
> PGP 0x50F20D0C
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