Why do I get such nonsense said about me because I point out that Eric
Harrison is a script kiddie, Simon Smith is in need of a new security team,
and throwing 5000 As into a buffer is not hacking :(

On Feb 9, 2008 10:36 AM, SilentRunner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Amusing isn't it that everytime someone tells reepex to shutup,
> he/she acts as if he/she has a personal or business relationship
> with them, and that somehow he/she is important to this person.
> What transparent bollocks.

Are you referring to Simon Smith? I assume you are. It is just strange that
he would tell me so many times in email how inadequate and useless his
security team is and how he wanted me to work for them, only to then make
fun of me. It seems his is jealous/angry at me for not going with his

> It's the exact tactic used on us when running into one's annoying
> hosebeast of an ex while out with the new missus, and she says "but
> you told me last night you loved me", even tho you haven't seen the
> mad bitch for 2 years. reepex has done this at least 3 times in the
> last 3 months and it pretty neatly ages him/her to his/her late
> teens.

After reading this I believe you are a classic E-Psychiatrist [1]

reepex has not contributed one useful thing to full disclosure, so
> I'm more than happy to join with the increasing majority, who would
> like it if he/she STFU.

Yes I have. Ask coderman about my amazing revelation of htaccess in the url
last week, while everyone was talking about 'firefox vulnerabilities'

The good news is that if reepex were older and still exhibiting the
> same psycho-ex-girlfriend behaviour, it is highly unlikely that no-
> one will want to breed with it, so at least the line will stop
> there.

Please see [1].

[1] http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/E-Psychiatrist
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