I can't even believe some of the people on this list would take this posting
as a joke.  This could have been any of us.  Disagreeing about a persons
opinion and discussing is part of being on this list, but it's something
else entirely when, solely based on what they voiced on a professional
mailing list about professional topics, some of the members are rejoicing.
Now that is just purely tasteless and cold hearted.

I guess the fact that these people who are rejoicing are the same group that
hide behind anonymous mail just goes to show that keyboard bravery really
can separate a person from their humanity.  For those of you keyboard
warriors who may disagree with some of the people here and voice your
disagreement in a manner befitting a toddler I normally chalk up your
nonsense to immaturity, but celebrating the death of someone who maintained
his professionalism is inhuman.  It has been par for the course for years to
have a heavy helping of nonsense come from those who would hide their
identity not for professional reasons, but for them to act out what Freud
defined as their Id.  This topic, however, shows these same bunch of people
for what they truly are: self-serving immature cowards.

I never knew really knew this person while he was alive and I am not trying
to paint a picture of him as a saint, but for the immature lot on this list
now would be a good time to know when to refrain from your impulse of
banging out some immature posting.  Show some small measure of humanity and
let those affected who knew this person grieve without your antics.

On Feb 11, 2008 7:40 AM, Jonathan Glass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> http://www.timesreporter.com/index.php?ID=79446&r=6&Category=7
> Justin Marcus Polazzo, 31, of Atlanta, Ga., was found dead in his home on
> Feb. 4, 2008. He was born in Alma, Mich., on Dec. 31, 1976.
> At the time of his death, Justin was employed at the Georgia Institute of
> Technology's Office of Information Technology in the Division of
> Architecture and Infrastructure.
> Justin is survived by his parents, mother Carol Anson Stanwyck (Doug), and
> father Free Polazzo (Janet), brother Chad Polazzo (Lori), and stepsister Liz
> Stanwyck. Other area surviving relatives are Betty Anson, Wendy (Wagner)
> Muzechuk, Ashley and Maggie Haverfield and James Anson (Marilyn) from
> Illinois.
> A memorial service will be held Sunday, Feb. 10, 2008, in Atlanta.
> It's been a sad week for the friends of Dude VanWinkle.
> --JG
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