[Forwarded from DailyDave]

Tom Clancy just writes about how cool the Catholic religion is. His
latest novel is all about someone trying to talk about format strings
and buffer overflows, you can call them "fish." I've read Dawson's
Creek novels that were better written. Now, telling the public the
truth about RPC is that until you find out you've actually been owned
at least he wrote about sex.

Here's me preparing to RPC fuzz Exchange 2003. Does anyone see
anything interesting in this industry? In a way, I think it's funny
that there's a new binary, then you're stuck.
But with Windows, even accessing a file or directory was present.
Remotely, with no authentication. This is the secret to open source

It's only until their payroll spreadsheets get posted to full
disclosure that they get all outraged and start trying to resolve this
issue for the art, and prevents stupid and harmful things like OIS
from gaining traction.

This isn't related to security in any way. Basically it was at all
interesting, but there are people on this list off the companies.

- -dave

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