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worried security wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 2:31 PM, worried security
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> [02:40] <worried> do you think cyber terrorism is real or its just the
>> government softening ppl up for a couple of false flags for a reason
>> to bomb iran?
>> [02:49] <worried> the u.s are still deciding where to build the cyber
>> command, so don't expect any die hard style false flags till 2009
>> [02:50] <worried> they said their false flag cyber command would be up
>> and running by december 2008
>> [02:50] <worried> so they will test out their capabilities probably 2009/10
> Mar 03 22:50:50 <worried>       bunch of skript kiddos with DDoS nets...
> this is why ppl will stop posting vulnerabilities to mailing lists, so
> the enemy can't use it against their countries
> Mar 03 22:51:10 <Biff`> huh?
> Mar 03 22:53:22 <worried>       for instance do you think UK/china/iran
> hackers are going to keep posting to mailing lists vulnerabilties jsut
> so the script kids at the US cyber command can copy and paste the code
> to black out our electricity grids etc?
> Mar 03 22:53:25
> <worried>       http://www.ktbs.com/news/Ad-promote-Cyber-command-9337/
> Mar 03 22:54:00 <worried>       we will stop feeding the mailing lists the
> "cyber ammo" so the us cyber command can't attack our countries
> Mar 03 22:55:25 <worried>       the us cyber command are advertising a cyber
> war on news articles, but do they realise what will happen if their is
> a cyber war? no will will post to the mailing lists anymore.
> Mar 03 22:55:55 <worried>       the us government are the biggest dumb asses
> who dont think things through
> Mar 03 22:56:24 <worried>       it will stop new techniques getting
> publically disclosed etc
> Mar 03 22:56:44 <worried>       because nonUS hackers dont want to give the
> US gov ideas on how to hack non US countries
> Mar 03 22:57:07 <Biff`> we're already in a cyber war.
> Mar 03 22:57:23 <worried>       so i hope the fucking us gov cyber command
> have good security researchers to find their own vulns and techniques
> Mar 03 22:57:49 <worried>       cos their enemies wont post on the mailign
> lsits if cities start getting blacked out by US gov
> Mar 03 22:59:07 <Biff`> they do.
> Mar 03 22:59:18 <worried>       oh have they hired hd moore?
> Mar 03 23:00:13 <worried>       trust me the us gov rely on whats post to
> the mailing lsits as much as everyone else
> Mar 03 23:00:31 <female_>       we are in a cyber war? sheeeesh last night
> we were in a trojan war
> Mar 03 23:00:35 <worried>       and if they start attacking other nations
> when the cyber command is built
> Mar 03 23:00:49 <worried>       then non-us hackers will stop posting
> to mailing lsits
> Mar 03 23:01:06 <worried>       then the whole security community will fuck up
> Mar 03 23:01:23 <Biff`> the cyber command is nothing new.
> Mar 03 23:01:31 <worried>       it is
> Mar 03 23:01:34 <Biff`> It is just a structural reorganization.
> Mar 03 23:01:41 <worried>       its more than that
> Mar 03 23:01:55 <worried>       this is about attacking nations
> Mar 03 23:01:59 <Biff`> you actually think that everything they are
> advertising isn't going on already?
> Mar 03 23:02:31 <worried>       not on a big a scale as their planning
> Mar 03 23:02:53 <worried>       60,000+ cyber command staff in a purpose
> built cyber battle center
> Mar 03 23:03:53 <worried>       these dorks will bring the end to the
> security community as we know it the dumb asses
> Mar 03 23:04:17 <worried>       nothing will get publically disclosed if
> real cyber war breaks out
> Mar 03 23:06:06 <Biff`> it's not going to be as big as you think.
> Mar 03 23:06:24 <Biff`> It's going to put a lot of existing jobs and
> stations under a central command.
> Mar 03 23:07:20 <female_>       a strategic command?
> Mar 03 23:07:57 <Biff`> yes.. US Strategic Command will be in the mix 
> somewhere.
> Mar 03 23:15:50 <worried>       how many real hackers out of the hundreds of
> script kids will they hire
> Mar 03 23:16:13 <worried>       there aint that many "elite" hackers out there
> Mar 03 23:16:28 <Biff`> that's where defense contractors come in.
> Mar 03 23:20:24 <worried>       what do you mean
> Mar 03 23:23:00 <Biff`> a lot of talent consults for the government.
> Mar 03 23:23:30 <worried>       a chinese defence contractor is going to
> give hackers to us so the us can black out chinese infrastructure when
> us get angry with china?
> Mar 03 23:24:11 <Biff`> there are plenty of chinese foreign nationals
> working for the US government.
> Mar 03 23:29:36 <Biff`> I'm off to bed. Goodnight.
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I just want to know, since you are (supposedly) an informant to all the
US gov domains, how you don't have a clue as to the capabilities of any
country with hackers, disassemblers and people in general that strive to
find vulnerabilities in software?

Same sh*t, same 'King of Ridiculous'.

What do you know about finding vulnerabilities, by the way? Yeah, I
ended my sentence with a preposition.

Regards, Scott

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