You should relax.

Take a beer. It's free.


On 3/29/08, n3td3v <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 1:36 AM, Larry Seltzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >
>  > Moving beyond the old partisan politics, a cause we can all get behind.
>  >
>  >
>  > Larry Seltzer
> The original Free Tibet thread was calling for cyber attacks against
>  the Chinese government, which if carried out would amount to cyber
>  terrorism. n3td3v is against such action, and it goes against all
>  ethics and logic that n3td3v believes in. True people with big brains
>  can beat the super powers of our world's through intellilectual debate
>  verbally, _not_ through cyber violence.
>  n3td3v post a Free Iraq response to make any Americans on the list to
>  look in the mirror more before denouncing China and telling everyone
>  how bad they are, when your own people are out there killing people in
>  an illegal war, and human rights violations in Iraq have been reported
>  multiple times.
>  We live in crazy times, but the guy who called for cyber attacks
>  against China should be locked up for a couple of weeks, to give him a
>  scare.
>  Beer or no beer, there are a lot of young, easily infulenced and naive
>  folks on the list and an adult coming on the list calling for cyber
>  attacks to prove a verbal stand point is totally unacceptable, but I
>  think the guy actually _does_ want cyber attacks to happen against
>  them and wasn't kidding on, and thats got to be worrying and should be
>  addressed by whichever authority takes care of that kind of stuff.
>  I seen the Chinese thread calling for cyber attacks as soon as it was
>  delivered to the list, and I was sitting there with my mouth half open
>  in total shock about what the guy(s) have just asked people to do, and
>  they actually spoke of "Anonymous" and scientology.
>  This is utterly unacceptable on any fragmentation of the human brain,
>  so i'm calling for an arrest to be made on the "Free Tibet" thread.
>  All the best with your securities and insecurities,
>  n3td3v
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