On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 3:14 PM, Ureleet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> thank you for clarifying.  its probably the most honest thing i've ever read
> that youve written.
> so you take news that someone else has written and repost it.  so basically
> you are nothing more than a blogger.
> thank you for clarifying, at least we know where you stand now.  so please
> stop shouting like you have a say in things.  if you have an opinion, fine,
> state it.  but dont act like you run stuff.
> be yourself, you arent anything more.
> /back to lurking unless n3tdev has any more to say

Why do I get a feeling you're trying to take me on, good luck with
that by the way... yes you've managed to grasp i'm political, now are
you stepping forward to be a serious contender against n3td3v? Well
you've got a lot of catching up to do, I have 9 years of networked
contacts and political power base built up in the security community
and is continuing to grow. Politically i'm years ahead than you, so if
you're going to take me on as yourself then you don't seem like a
strong opposition.

The only group that is near in size that's already took n3td3v on
politically was Funsec group, they post a sophisticated smear campaign
against n3td3v headed by Neal Krawetz in the form of a PDF report, and
they still couldn't win political points. So what's chance has
"Ureleet" got?

You're nothing compared to Funsec group, and they weren't a good
enough contender, so are you going to form a "Ureleet group"? I've
been looking for cyber security political groups to step forward to
create a cyber security political circuit for a while, its been boring
that its only n3td3v group and Funsec group on the circuit so far, so
I welcome you to setup your own political party, and take me or Funsec
group on.

Maybe you should join arms with Funsec group, thats your only chance
dude, but I don't think you've got the will power and political
knowhow to take me on since of what i'm already sitting on and you
appear to be a noob to the political scene taking me on.

As far as i'm aware you're somebody working on your own, and you're
not part of any political groups, so you're not going to be taken as a
serious contender against n3td3v.

I suggest you unsubscribe from n3td3v group if you don't like it and
are against it so publically.

The president of Funsec group is Gadi Evron, you should know him...
you're currently talking to the president of n3td3v. So Ureleet, step
forward, form a political group, then come back and speak to me.



[Ureleet political party goes here?]

You're either with Funsec or you're with n3td3v, make your decision or
setup your own political group to take both of our groups on.

All the best,


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