On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 9:58 PM, Kurt Dillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wouldn't use such harsh language as Malix, but he's correct. David has
>  done a lot of ground-breaking research over the past decade and he's had a
>  major impact on how Microsoft and Oracle create, test, and patch their
>  products. You are unemployed and note that you were in some Yahoo chat
>  groups on your CV. Sarcastically whining at David only reaffirms what we all
>  think of you.


High up government officials are backing Web Application Application
Security Awareness Day, so I would watch what you're saying.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Richard Golodner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 5:53 PM
To: n3td3v <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        N3td3v, so you used bad language and lost your cool, so what. Do not
 give up on 5/1. You do not know who has planned to do what. All you really
 know is that there are a bunch of assholes out there that have balls that
 grow very big when they are hiding behind an email address and computer.
 Some of these fuckers I told to introduce themselves to me at any IT-Sec
 conference and then we can see what is up. To this day not one of them has
 said hello to me.
        I am from the street with multiple gunshot wounds to my body, but
 did not die. If it was not for IT I would be dead or in jail, but after
 twenty odd years have made a career and a shitload of money.
        What I am saying is that these guys are punks. I wonder how much
 mouth they would have if they were to actually meet you in person. I am not
 a big man 5'11 185 pounds, but have several belts in various combative
 martial art formats. From now on at IT conferences I am going to put "friend
 of n3td3v" underneath my real name on my nametag and we will see who has the
 real balls. And if someone thinks they are tougher than me, I will give them
 the opportunity to prove it. It will not be the first time I have punched
 out a motherfucker at one of these events, but I let them attack me first.
 Then, I kick the shit out of them.
 And do not let these douche bags upset you. This is most important. Do not
 apologize for what you are doing, ever! And keep on rolling forward.

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