so because I use a gmail account it means everything I said is invalid? Why
not answer some questions about your practices since it seems your company
is a bunch of script kiddies for hire & master's of scaring people into
buying services

Also where did the 100,000 hackers figure come from? Did you make this up

On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 9:18 PM, Robert McGuire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'll take you seriously when you come out from behind your gmail mask.
> Bob McGuire
> Director, Channel Sales East
> >| SECNAP Network Security
> Direct Line 404.446.1961
> 1-877-NOSPAM4U (877-667-7264) ext.1961
> SpammerTrap – Everything Channel Hot Product of 2008
> SECNAP Voted Hot Company of 2008 at Technosium Summit
> -----Original Message-----
> From: reepex [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sat 5/10/2008 3:13 PM
> To: Michael Scheidell;;
> Robert McGuire; Jennifer Hamilton
> Subject: fear mongering and utter BS from secnap
> Where is secreview when you actually need them? After the useless thread
> about gmail blah blah I decided to check out and
> all
> I can say is WHAT THE FUCK.
> The first lines of their website:
> "The Internet comes with built in threats from hackers, industrial
> Espionage, spyware and employee abuse."
> Sounds like some homeland security brochure
> Followed shortly by:
> "Our Managed IPS solution includes our patent pending HackerTrapT IPS that
> will block external attacks as well as protect your company from employee
> abuse and loss of confidential information. "
> I would love to see some proof of them stopping confidential information
> from being gathered over an internal network, but based on their site I am
> sure this is more BS anyway.
> Then I browse to:
> "Are you aware that there are an estimated 100,000 hackers on the Internet
> today, actively scanning government and corporate networks, looking for
> vulnerabilities they can exploit to gain access to critical corporate
> information?"
> Speaks for itself....
> If you follow the link on this page you find a pdf here:
> Where it details how they will run public vulnerability scanners and
> compare
> your banners to known vulnerable services. Who are the script kiddies here
> again?
> This company is trash and their members should not be allowed to post on
> this list. They are Homeland Security/George Bush type fear mongering
> retards trying to make a buck and scare people into their nonsense.
> Looking at their site they are another group of paid script kiddies in
> business suits.
> You better hope that one of "100,000 internet hackers" don't have any
> exploits that aren't covered by nessus or secnap will not be able to
> protect
> you anymore.
> _________________________________________________________________________
> This email has been scanned and certified safe by SpammerTrap(r).
> For Information please see
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