On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 10:31 PM, Professor Micheal Chatner
> Where else can the hard-working security industry employees go once a
>  year to hang out with their only fat, retarded goth loser friends who
>  where suits and act like fags? Security conferences provide the only
>  outlet for social activity for thousands of people annually.
>  After this they proceed to tell the same lame stories about what
>  happened at Blackhat/Defcon for the rest of the year. This further
>  murders any potential of them having a normal social life as their
>  only existence is to go to these circuses of pity.
>  Don't you have any compassion for the autistic losers? As not only a
>  security professional but also a certified mental and physical health
>  advocate I try to promote these types of things in the same way in
>  which I tried to promote your Web Exploitation Day, n3td3v.
>  Please try to be more respectful and civilized towards me in the
>  future on the Full Disclosure mailing list. This is a place for
>  learning and engaging in research for the good of the world. It's
>  because of people like us that freedom and prosperity exists.
>  Thank you for your time,
> Professor Micheal Chatner, M.D., CISSP

Going to a security conference is a great way to register with the
intelligence services if You haven't worked how to send an e-mail on
F-D yet.

They'll get you on the mailing lists, and if they can't get you there,
they'll get you at the security conferences, either way You will
register with the intelligence services.

All the best,


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