Pardus Linux Security Advisory 2008-28            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       Date: 2008-08-28
   Severity: 3
       Type: Remote


[Update] The last security update of the libxml2 package some  problems
with  other packages,  please  upgrade  your   libxml2   packages.

A vulnerability has been reported in Libxml2, which can be  exploited  by
malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service).


The vulnerability is caused due to an recursion error  when  processing
certain XML content. This can be exploited to e.g. exhaust all available
memory and CPU resources by tricking an application using Libxml2  into
processing specially crafted XML documents.

Affected packages:

   Pardus 2008:
     libxml2, all before 2.6.32-10-6
   Pardus 2007:
     libxml2, all before 2.6.31-9-7


There are update(s) for libxml2. You can update them via Package Manager
or with a single command from console:

   Pardus 2008:
     pisi up libxml2

   Pardus 2007:
     pisi up libxml2


   * http://bugs.pardus.org.tr/show_bug.cgi?id=8061
   * http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2008-3281
   * http://secunia.com/advisories/31558/
   * https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2008-0836.html
   * http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xml/2008-August/msg00034.html


Pınar Yanardağ
Pardus Security Team

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