On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 1:55 PM, nzerozero p <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't agree.
> On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 7:42 PM, n3td3v <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> nobody could be so stupid to leave their car door unlocked, ::blush::
> Bullshit.  Walk throughout a parking lot and try a couple door handles,
> you'd most likely find more than you thought.

Sorry, im not a criminal who tests out that kind of thing. Maybe you
are, but I think you just made it up for effect.

>> the u.s military did, then gary mckinnon left a note on their wind
>> screen wiper to say, look guys, you left your door unlocked, maybe you
>> should fix it.
> No, Gary McKinnon broke into machines and changed files.  Thusly, each
> machine has to be rebuilt as per gov't policy.  Thousands of computers.  How
> many man hours and cost did this require?  That's the cost here.  It doesn't
> matter what he did, it matters that he did it.

He didn't break in, the door was left open. He left a note to say he
had noticed the door was unlocked, maybe you should fix it. After he
walked away, anyone could have gone in and done the damage. Its all
circumstantial evidence that he done anything to the machines, or
changed files.

>> the u.s military come back to the car, and claim the inside of the car
>> has been damaged, but no proof it was gary mckinnon who did it, when
>> their were plenty other people who could have walked past the same car
>> and done something to it.
> There is plenty of proof that Mr. McKinnon did it.  All packets are
> traceable.  Especially if you are doing it all from one IP, and that one IP
> is your house.

So bring this evidence forward, release the info to the public domain
to prove Mckinnon did the damage.

You have him at the scene of the crime, you ain't got nothing else.
There were tons of IP's accessing the same systems, the door was left
open for any hill billy to walk in.

>> the u.s decide they can't prove it was gary mckinnon who did the
>> damage, because all they've got is the note on the wind screen wiper
>> saying, you left your door unlocked, maybe you should fix it.
> In my opinion, it seems you know nothing about the facts surrounding this
> case, and you should get your facts straight first.

If you have more facts to release to the media, so be it. I'm running
with what Gary Mckinnon has said on You tube that he didn't do any of
the damage that he is being accused of.

>> next we know, the kid is being extradited to the u.s on charges of
>> carrying out the biggest car crime of all time, and they change the
>> law to say, actually we don't need proof you caused the damage or that
>> any damage existed, we're blaming you anyway.
>> by the way, we're giving you 60 years and you're never going to see
>> your friends and family ever again.
> As others have pointed out and you have blanketly ignored, 60 years is the
> maximum punishable by law.  There is absolutely no indication that he will
> get 60 years.  He most likely will get a fine equal to the amount of $$ in
> damage he caused, along with 4 years of jail time.

You said he was going to fry, how do you expect people to react?
You're the Americans, you carry out your threats, e.g: Iraq.

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