Those of you who are members of the n3td3v group take heed of this notice:

You cannot view the group's content or participate in the group
because you are not currently a member.  Anyone can join.

Description: a discussion group for security researchers and ethical hackers.

You must be signed in and a member of this group to view its content.

Because of this notice, you may experience your RSS / Atom feed no
longer updates, unless you are authenticated with Google.

The reason for this step to reclose the group is because of the following:

n3td3v has reason to believe there is a new enemy forming, a threat
has been made against n3td3v and there is a new enemy.

A security conference has been held according to the threat where
n3td3v was discussed. n3td3v has taken this intelligence very
seriously, and is coordinating efforts to find out who made the threat
towards n3td3v.

In order to get a bigger picture of those reading the n3td3v group,
the Google group has been shuttered for non-subscribed members. This
allows me to gather a better intelligence picture and numbers of folks
interested in n3td3v.

They and you may use a random email address to gain access to the
group, although it doesn't matter to n3td3v if you use a random email
user, as information can still be gathered.

I'm sorry to those reading the archive on the web and those who were
reading the group via RSS / Atom news readers, but in light of recent
events, n3td3v is in lockdown and will not be reopening to
non-registered users for the foreseeable future until I'm sure the
threat has passed by.

Thank you for reading this message, good day.


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