Le vendredi 10 octobre 2008 à 23:05 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a
écrit :
> You only need a botnet of several hundred gamer's boxes and you're at 10M.

Sure. But one question remains: is it worth it ? Using a botnet to crack
John Doe's PSK where you can just push password stealing malware on his
box ?

My problem with this kind of "announce" is that it seems to make people
believe that cracking WPA/WPA2 is easy, just like WEP. But it is not,
and really far from it. Maybe, or likely, some day, not that far away,
someone will come up with a crypto or implementation flaw that will
crush them down, but right now, it is not the case.

So we stuck to a password guessing game. A game we play for years, with
password hashing algorithms that we are *way* more efficient at cracking
than a PBKDF2.

I don't say we can't break PSK. I say that we suck at it with current
implementations, even with a x100 performance increase.

PGP KeyID: 157E98EE FingerPrint: FA62226DA9E72FA8AECAA240008B480E157E98EE
>> Hi! I'm your friendly neighbourhood signature virus.
>> Copy me to your signature file and help me spread!

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