n3td3v <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"we" (the community) shouldn't be playing into the hacker spirit of

You are not part of the "the community". This proven by your lack of
knowledge into the hacker psyche outside of some lod tech journals and some
phrack papers from the 90's.. or whatever cnet news prints. It's not like
that anymore -- which you would know if you were actually involved in
security and not just a pretender. Which brings me to my next point...

WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?? You dribble shit all day long and get
nothing but pure venom in response to your nonsensical rantings but just
keep coming back for more. You either have some thick skin to brush off all
these insults or your lithium dose is that high you cant feel things

Either way, go have a nice cold cup of bleach and go die under a bridge
somewhere you waste of space/food/water/air.
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