"so i suggest you don't fuck with n3td3v"

LOL. What can you do? You dumb cunt, I'll fuck with you all day long until
you get the picture that no one gives a fuck what you say and everyone looks
forward to the day you expire. Why are you so incapable of grasping the fact
that no one cares about you at all and you are wasting your time? I guess
somewhere in your medicated head this incessant ranting is your BEST attempt
at bettering the world and, to be honest, you really fucking suck at it. The
rest of us are laughing at you. Laughing at you like the scared pussy that
you are. Scared of the real man.

Look at the 7 days without you - no one was asking "wheres n3td3v" were
they? No, everyone was enjoying the fact that you were in hospital having
the guards do reruns of your drunk uncles night time visits your bedroom.
That shit fucked you up for life didn't it, faggot?
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