Salut, James Matthews,

On Fri, 14 Nov 2008 12:03:53 +0200, James Matthews wrote:
> HAHAHAH Now they are going to be pissed. They pass all these stupid
> surveillance laws and get away with it! L:et them have fun now...

I'm afraid you got that one wrong. The surveillance laws in Germany
are not about the secret services, which already have the access they
wanted (and had it since their (re-)creation after WWII). The main
beneficiary of the new surveillance competences is the
"Bundeskrimialamt", the German federal office of criminal
investigations, who are "extended" legally to the state of a de-facto
secret service. And that's the point of criticism here: it mixes secret
service competences with the normal executive pillar of the state.

However, I'm not sure that belongs here.

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