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On Tue, 02 Dec 2008 11:50:46 -0500 rholgstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Mike C wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 5:27 PM, rholgstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> and how does making a color based on these inputs protect
>> Once all desktops have an icon or widget (say at the right hand
>> corner) with the color, and this is consistently seen
>everywhere, the
>> users will start associating with their online security. they
>will be
>> reminded that they have to be careful with the data they share.
>> This, if implemented correctly will be a boon to security
>> where the weakest kinks currently are 'n00b'  users.
>you are joking right?
>So some widget is going to stop the next SMB remote or IE client
>and protect the 'n00b' users? Please explain how this works. Also
>explain how "they will be reminded that they have to be careful
>with the
>data they share. " has anything to do with protecting a users
>from being compromised.

Thats the whole point. There is a fine line between using visual
alerts to put people(Joe six pack) into a state of "awareness"(more
like mild hysteria) of a threat versus knowing how to protect
oneself against that threat and using that awareness indicator as
the kick in the ass to get moving and shore up the defenses(hell,
how many security folk do this too, then again, every time
something goes bump we see red). Visual alerts are great at
persuasion tools, especially when the goal is to get Joe to buy
your latest all-in-one-will-make-your-coffee-and-buy-you-beer
AV/Malware/Spyware/Foo(whats this doing here?)/evil monkey in the
closet package. So of course, Joe will never learn how to properly
defend his computer/data, and the "industry" will prosper.

Now, thanks to our good friends over at the DHS, the color system
has turned into a complete and utter joke(for the most part), so my
friend, you see, this a complete exercise in futility(besides the
fact that every friggin AV/IDS/Security/SIM company out there has
red, yellow and green as their corporate "flag", if you are just
joining the party, then you can completely ignore this)

If you really want to change state of security for the n00bs,
spread the knowledge, not the colors.

My .02...


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