
This mailing list lives up to its name "Full Disclosure" for
tolerating the monkeys and their chattering in this list for quite
some time now without moderation or any action! This mailing list had
a "culture", "the audience base" and that was the "only reason" we all
subscribed to it!

# Standard, culture, content quality, popular interest, intellect...
spam!, off topic discussion, unnecessary topic, flame war

>From the above list ask anyone "sensible" enough to pick up qualities
to be a information security mailing list. What options do you come up
If someone repeatedly meet to fail the general code of conduct please
band them for not being in "popular interest" for an unmoderated
discussion. Is it that hard so hard to grasp that those type of people
really dont deserve here?

A wise person would never choose to speak in-between fools. It looks
like FD is starting to be plagued with similar trend and slowly
dropping on the quality of discussion/interest.

If FD moderators cant maintain the mailing list culture, its quality
its market reputation and audience interest naturally decreases as it
has been. FD should be a platform to promote collective intelligence
in information security with MEANINGFUL full-disclosure instead of
having never ending noise, annoyance, distraction and meaning less
discussion to waste our time. FD was there because not all info-sec
mailing list provided unmoderated discussion. But moderators please
assure a minimum level of "content/quality".

In the list we all are obligated to keep harmony with all but least
not with people with problem to socialize and generally annoyance.
Moderators are really not doing justice by going against the "popular
belief" (the subscribers) Please do not forget, the mailing list is
there because WE subscribers are there and we were subscribed to this
list because this mailing list had a culture! "Full-Disclosure" live
up to its name but please preserve a standard, a culture and a quality
of discussion.

Phase 2:
- Post unnecessarily and very frequently like the current FD trend.
- Ask other 30 people to do the same.
- Make sure any/all meaningful discussion is dwarfed in unnecessary
and meaningless noise.
- Wait moderators to act... lobby........ or repeat phase 2 till FD
goes in dust, really!

Shame on FD moderators for putting us on a situation to neither we can
unsubscribe from the list for the real content that pops here now and
then... but have to tolerate unproductive noise lots of time from
people with anonymous identities for top-posting on off-track

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

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