Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] FD subject line/name of org suggestion...

This is quite simple to do on Gmail. All you need to do is open any 
full-disclosure email. Then click on show details and select filter messages 
from this mailing list. 

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 6:10 PM,  <> wrote:

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 10:39:51 EST, Phillip Partipilo said:

> Could try a separate folder and using rules to segregate FD emails.

> There really arent *that* many emails, I mean, compared to nearly

> insane volume of ntsysadmin or activedir.

Nytrokiss, are you really suggesting, as a general rule, to use a *web-browser* 
on an unmoderated
security forum that occasionally includes live exploit code....that runs in 
said browser?    Call me old 
fashioned, but man, I don't think that's a good idea.  I don't want to read it 
with Lynx, either.  I've got 
some damn good SMTP clients, like Pine v.01a, OK?

(Slapping-Self, 'cause the G5 no workie, again...!  Do as I say, not as I do, 
hah!  Slap!)

Getting back to the org. premise, some of you here don't think the org. ID's 
are getting a little
out of hand in their length?  I meekly submit the notion that this practice may 
have something to 
do with Ego/Promo...I dunno, really, what is the requirement for an extra 
space/length "[ blah-blah1371117 ]" 
between the characters....if only to center the eye on the author?

Indeed, instead of "[Full-disclosure]" wouldn't "[FD]" work just the same for 
filtering?  And give us 
more space?  Yeah, I think it would.

...and it's a ton of emails, especially if you run a few flavors of 'Nix and do 
your best not to become a 
bad Netizen.  Or if someone posts, ranting they've been Fed-Poizoned...?  Think 
how many wage-drones 
you've worked with that have no care of exploits on FD, and suffered the 
consequences because of it? 

I stand by my suggestions.


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