Here's God !  :)

2009/1/6 Avraham Schneider <>

> On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 12:14 PM, j-f sentier <> wrote:
> > "what would you call your lies"
> > Which lies ?
> Every single one of your points. Read the facts I presented you with,
> they deal with most if not all of them.
> > You're tunnel-focused on your point, with no relativisation at all, which
> Forgive me for being right.
> > brings your argument not valuable for a penny, when i read your post i
> feel
> > like reading/listening a tsahal interview/report.
> Forgive the Israeli Defense Forces for being right.
> > There's two side on a medial, dont forget that, that's why i say you're
> > doing propaganda, while criticizing the other propaganda.
> No - the media is composed of whatever anyone presents on it - some of
> it is propaganda lies - like the ones you are distributing and some of
> them are based on true facts, like those that I and others are
> presenting.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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