On 6 Jan 2009, at 3:43 PM, Avraham Schneider wrote:

> Just one last thing - for those upset by this long completely off  
> topic thread:
> http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=6579

<rant useless="true">
You should take this crap off list, rather than saying "I'll be here  
no matter what, filter me if you don't want to read me": the usual  
fscking cliche` attitude of you damn religious people, always trying  
to make others swallow your blind theories, even in the WRONG place,  
whent there's NO ONE interested.

You should better live and make others live, instead of blindly  
trusting a novel book wrote only to control you and your fellow  
believers. Please read <http://www.stupidwish.net/religion.html> to  
have some insights, and get a life.

~Marcello (quite disappointed to waste bits on this useless thread)
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