On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Ureleet <urel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> i wrote an email last week that said i will lay off of andrew.  i did.
>  and it seems like the list has torn him apart without me.  further
> echoing the sentiment that i share.

Your nicknames

> andrew is, in fact, a worthless air sucker..
> now, i know that alot of u have me going directly to /dev/null or
> spam, but 4 those of u that dont.
> heres my request:
> no 1 respond 2 n3td3v.  not now, not ever.  ive done my deed in
> further pointing out how much i h8 him, and it seems like at least
> 20-30 others have done so as well.

Your nicknames

> i saw that andrew posted that he was applying 4 mi5.  good luck.  btw
> -- when mi5 reviews applications, (of dropouts especially), they tend
> 2 do a little research.  1 of those steps is to google ur name.
> andrew wallace

They know me already

> and they will then realize that andrew wallace, is indeed n3td3v.  and
> u then will not have a job.  u will fail.

Unlikely if I have intelligence they want

> i also noticed that andrew/n3td3v said that he was leaving the list.
> again.  ...again...  but we all know, hell be back in a week or so, if
> not already.

Still here

> i ask that u all ignore him.  no 1 respond 2 him.  i wont, j-f, i hope
> u dont, biz marquee, i hope u dont.  every1, i implore u 2 please
> ignore him.  especially those, like j-f said, who feel that they have
> 2 point out (like me) what a tool he is because if we dont, then that
> means we accept it.  which is wrong.

Take your own advice

> andrew i leave u w/ this thought:
> i speak for @ least 30 ppl on this list.  not every1, (as u
> undoubtably will point out, like u do in every other fucking thread),
> and especially all ur aliases such as sexybitch169 or whatever ur name
> is.  we dont like u.  we think u have no value.  we think that the
> best thing u can do 4 the community is to leave.  we do not value ur
> opinion.  in case u havent noticed, the security community pretty much
> doesnt value any1s opinion!  thats it.

Your nicknames

Mine have only ever been:


> u want 2 b legit?  try learning, and not regurgitating.  u post
> nothing of value.  we read the same stuff u do.  and those of us that
> havent read it by the time u do, need to step up their game because
> they r falling woefully behind.

More garbage

> c u in 10 years if u listen 2 me.  see u in 3-5 days if u dont.

Hope not

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