The Anti-Sec movement is not just one person. We are a group of people from
all over the world. We are almost a culture unto ourselves. We are threaded
throughout the spokes of everyday life.
We have committed no crimes - our endeavors will ultimately cut down
computer crime to some degree. The amount of innocent people getting hit
with financial losses as a result of malicious computer hacking will
decrease significantly because hacker communities like Blackhat-forums and
Astalavista have been terminated - or at least for a time, which is still a

This is ultimately a hacker war.

Furthermore, the Poster of this message is merely a standard bearer of a
faction of the Anti-Sec Movement. The Poster of this message is not a
hacker, but is merely reporting the movements of Anti-Sec.



Please check out our website at:

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 7:39 PM, Benjamin Cance

> Seriously, you're as delusional as these radical movements who blow up
> buildings and kill people preaching how they feel the "West" is wrong
> and old ways are best. I see a lot of parallels between them and you.
> You need help, you need a new hobby. Taking down these sites is as
> productive as masturbation. It feels good yes, but is it really that
> satisfying? Nevermind that, you will do what you think is in your
> "movement's" best interest.
> Regardless, I wish you well in your endeavors. Hope the FBI talk to you
> eventually as you're infringing on the first amendment :)
> Ant-Sec Movement wrote:
> > Blend in.
> > Get trusted.
> > Trust no one.
> > Own everyone.
> > Disclose nothing.
> > Destroy everything.
> > Take back the scene.
> > Never sell out, never surrender.
> > Get in as anonymous, Leave with no trace.
> >
> > ------------------------------
> >
> > Dear Jesse Labrocca (Omniscient) and,
> >
> > The Anti-Sec movement has officially terminated
> > using yet ANOTHER 0-day exploit that we have discovered. This one
> > takes advantage of a previously undisclosed LiteSpeed vulnerability.
> > This is primarily to prove that we are serious and committed to our
> > primary goal - eradicating full-disclosure of computer vulnerabilities
> > and exploits, and terminating general discussion of hacking for any
> > n00b and script-kiddie to read and review - and learn from.
> >
> > The Anti-Sec movement hopes now understands that our
> > cyber war against you is NOT a joke. We will be terminating
> > You are our number one target...we want to savor the
> > moment and the suspense. We will strike when you least expect it. This
> > we promise.
> >
> > Here is a brief transcript of the hacking of
> >
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > anti-sec:~/pwn# ./litespeed_0day -t
> > <> -p80
> >
> > [+] Connecting to <>
> > [+] Connected Successfully!
> > [+] Checking for Lightspeed vulnerability...
> > [+] Vulnerable!
> > [+] Sending exploit
> > [-] Phase 1
> > [-] Phase 2
> > [-] Phase 3
> > [+] Injecting Shellcode...
> > [+] Waiting for reverse shell...
> >
> > [~] Connected to shell @!
> >
> > <snip>
> >
> > uid=0(root) gid=0 (root) groups=0 (root)
> >
> > <snip>
> >
> > -----------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > By terminating, we have furthered our goals in
> > more ways than one.
> >
> > We are coming for you We haven't
> > forgotten you, Milw0rm. Our juicy Apache 0-day will terminate both
> > websites, which will cause a major blow to those who support
> > full-disclosure of hacking related information.
> >
> > "Take out two birds with one stone."
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > -anti-sec
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> > Charter:
> > Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

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