what does google earth have to do with any of this?

On 9/16/09, GOBBLES <gobbles1...@safe-mail.net> wrote:
> What do you mean Sherrod *was* a fed?
> Obviously the point wasn't to ruin. The point was to salt the earth by
> filling google with your real name.
> I can now officially say the (Google) Earth has been salted for you. You'll
> never be able to live a real life again. You'll always be hiding in the
> shadows for the rest of your life now.
> In may not hit you now, but eventually you'll feeling suffering and despair.
> I'm the one who helped in the process of clipping your wings to keep your
> grounded. To leave you in the world where mediocrity will never come.
> You are a monster for what you did to Kathy... She's a great UX designer and
> a beautiful woman...
> Sincerely,
> Tim O'Reilly
> Btw all dogs go to heaven was awesome you fucking faggot
> -------- Original Message --------
> From: Andrew A <glutt...@gmail.com>
> To: GOBBLES <gobbles1...@safe-mail.net>
> Cc: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Andrew Aurenheimer aka weev gets tree'd
> Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 23:52:42 -0500
>> Okay. You've been in contact with Hep? She's handed over her logs? Oh
>> man, the FBI now has hundreds of megs of me scrolling ansi on IRC,
>> telling her she's a sickly withered ghoul, calling her fat, and making
>> fun of her Springeresque living situation of having 3 different kids
>> by 3 different dads (seriously hep is basically the hip web2.0 version
>> of used up trailer trash whore).
>> Oclet's handed over his logs? Wow, the FBI now has records of all the
>> times I've told him to stop doing cocaine and drinking and clean up
>> his act.
>> Sherrod DeGrippo was indeed a fed. If she's turned against me, the FBI
>> now has all the records of me posting the information of people with
>> autism to Encyclopedia Dramatica! I'm goin' down!
>> Tehdely, the gay San Francisco Jew who works for blogging house Six
>> Apart will be able to tell a jury that I, in the haze of a 5-balloon
>> dose of nitrous oxide, did a "sieg heil" salute and shouted "heil
>> hitler" while giggling hysterically. I, clearly, will be screwed by
>> this revelation of SECRET KNOWLEDGE in the grand jury proceedings.
>> And actually, you can make your living off of advertising and selling
>> t-shirts. I made high sfigs off of direct marketing alone for several
>> years.
>> You antis are pathetic. You think you got one up on me by pasting some
>> fuckin info I put in my fuckin LIVEJOURNAL? Is this what hackin is
>> these days? Are you gonna start syndicating emo rants from 14 year old
>> girls into f-d posts with ascii banners at the top, acting like you
>> owned people?
>> See, for a doxdrop to be proper, you have to do info that is not
>> already public, and you have to tie it together in a way that reveals
>> something about their lives that they did not want people to know.
>> For example, when some clever soul revealed that Rob Levin of freenode
>> didn't actually live in a trailer, had all sorts of welfare and was
>> still using people's donations to supplement his income, that was a
>> pretty sweet doxdrop:
>> http://antisec.wordpress.com/2006/06/27/eyeballing-rob-levin/
>> Or when somebody pieced together Kathy Sierra's sordid history of dick
>> sucking, that was pretty fuckin' awesome:
>> http://www.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Full-Disclosure/2007-03/msg00507.html
>> You, sir, are a fucking amateur. You haven't uncovered anything new
>> (the most well funded law enforcement organization in the world had to
>> do that for you in their organized campaign, and you copied it from my
>> livejournal), and it is certainly not anything I tried to hide, as I
>> put it in my fucking blog. No secrets uncovered, no dark past
>> revealed, just shit you copied from my livejournal to full-disclosure.
>> Doxdrop is not copy and paste. You are the failure here, and your
>> hilarious attempt to poorly emulate a sacred tradition of the
>> hackscene in a D- fashion is regrettable.
>> If you want to be impressive, figure out the name (Hint hint: France!)
>> i actually do business under. Find out what fucking country I
>> emigrated to. Find out SOMETHING yourself.
>> My world ain't spinnin, I've been playing lolling it up for ages
>> buddy, and I ain't gonna stop anytime soon.
>> On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 11:39 PM, GOBBLES <gobbles1...@safe-mail.net>
>> wrote:
>> > *grins like chesire cat*
>> > *spins you around*
>> >
>> > Oh weev, you try too hard.
>> >
>> > You hold on to vanity like a 13 year old girl. That's what your
>> > friends say. Or at least people who think are your friend.
>> >
>> > I've been in contact with hep, sherrod degrippo, oclet and
>> > tehdely about what a flatout nutter you are. And btw, last I
>> > heard your vehicles bugged for sound and GPS. Those dudes
>> > handed over your logs. You got a mountain of people ready
>> > to testify against you. Most will play buddy with you until
>> > you get the iron cuffs slapped on. They gone el mariachi
>> > on you bud. You think you can make a living off ads and
>> > selling t-shirts? Use your fucking brain. Idiot.
>> >
>> > You know your worlds spinning before you why don't you just give up.
>> >
>> > Enjoy ^_^
>> >
>> > Presents
>> > =============
>> > Sorry about that. The JDL/GOBBLES team takes mispellings very
>> > seriously.
>> >
>> > Meet the exposed Andrew Auernheimer. Former bantown member and a
>> > sysop at encyclopediadramatica.
>> >
>> > Aliases:
>> >  - weev
>> >  - weevlar
>> >  - weevlos
>> >  - the iprophet
>> >  - wbeelsoi
>> >
>> > He is a failed man. Loyalty to him shall bring you no benefit. See for
>> > yourself:
>> >
>> > Law enforcement authorities reportedly have identified a 21-year-
>> > old Vancouver man as the individual who made two threatening
>> > telephone calls to Congregation Beth Israel on the night of June 16.
>> >
>> > Jewish Federation of Greater Portland Community Relations Director
>> > Robert Horenstein said the suspect, whose name was not made public,
>> > “admitted making the calls and the FBI is now working with the U.S.
>> > Attorney’s office to determine if a crime has been committed.”
>> >
>> > The alleged caller, whom authorities described to Horenstein as
>> > having “low intelligence and no means to carry out any threats,”
>> > reportedly said over the phone, “The Nazis are coming to get you;
>> > there will be another Holocaust” and “You killed my Lord. You will
>> > pay.”
>> >
>> > The calls were left on the CBI’s voice mail system and were first
>> > heard the next morning by Rabbi Michael Cahana.
>> >
>> > Cahana said, “I was very, very pleased at the responsiveness of the
>> > Portland Police and FBI. They gave us a strong sense that they were
>> > taking this seriously and we were in very good hands.”
>> >
>> > The rabbi declined to elaborate on the incident.
>> >
>> > Portland FBI spokeswoman Beth Anne Steele said her office could not
>> > comment on an ongoing investigation but that the FBI was “working
>> > closely with the folks at the temple as well as the Portland Police
>> > Bureau.”
>> >
>> > Prior to police identification of the Vancouver man, Horenstein
>> > said in an e-mail alert that law enforcement officials had
>> > speculated the caller may have been a 24-year-old Los Angeles man
>> > who operates the Web site theiprophet.blip.tv/ (since taken
>> > offline) on which Jews have been vilified.
>> >
>> > Horenstein identified that man as Andrew Auernheimer. In a video
>> > that was on Auernheimer’s Web site he said, “I’ve got to skip town.
>> > There are some big Jews that want to hand me a summons. …On the
>> > 16th (of June) I am taking a pilgrimage northward to Portland.”
>> >
>> > Auernheimer was detained and questioned by members of the FBI and
>> > the Portland Police Bureau, first in Grants Pass and later in
>> > Wilsonville, according to Horenstein.
>> >
>> > Horenstein said, “Portland police now believe him to be a much
>> > lower-level threat than was believed previously, but stress that
>> > they will continue to monitor him.”
>> >
>> > Auernheimer reportedly was warned not to go near any Jewish
>> > congregation or agency. Horenstein said he was told that
>> > Auernheimer had no plans to do so and that he claimed “he has no
>> > violent intentions.”
>> >
>> > Horenstein said Auernheimer drives a 2000 silver Honda Civic with
>> > California license plate 6EFJ814 and was traveling with a Native
>> > American woman. He said that if Auernheimer is seen near any Jewish
>> > facility, authorities should be notified immediately by calling 911.
>> >
>> > Horenstein expressed gratitude for the work of the law enforcement
>> > personnel: “We should all be deeply grateful to the FBI and
>> > Portland police, especially officers Brian Hughes and Tony Cavalli,
>> > for their commitment to keeping us all safe.”
>> >
>> > Hughes referred inquiries to PPB spokeswoman Det. Mary Weed who did
>> > not return telephone calls before the Jewish Review’s press time.
>> >
>> > Source: http://www.jewishreview.org/local/Police-question-two-men-
>> > about-threats-to-Jewish-community
>> > Archival: http://www.webcitation.org/5jnPBPyHG
>> >
>> > Weev's response:
>> > "look at these fucking kikes how they fucking don't name the person
>> > who made the threats, but name me instead. it looks like i was
>> > responsible for it unless you read the article real hard.
>> >
>> > i've been informed that the person who called in the synagogue
>> > threats was someone being blackmailed by a rabbi, and that he was
>> > assured immunity. this was a setup from the beginning to get me on
>> > the counterterrorism map so they could have my assets stolen and me
>> > criminally harassed.
>> >
>> > seriously, there has to be something fucking libelous in the fact
>> > that i am the sole person named in this article when i had
>> > absolutely no involvement in it, and was not charged with any crime.
>> >
>> > there is no fucking freedom of speech left in this country. if
>> > saying anything the establishment doesn't like results in attacks
>> > on someone's livelihood, noone will speak up against the criminal
>> > establishment."
>> >
>> > Source: http://weev.livejournal.com/368013.html
>> > Archival: http://www.webcitation.org/5jnP71qsD
>> >
>> > Also weev posts his IRL name+handle on
>> > http://www.jimgilliam.com/2004/08/oreillys_smear_campaign_in_quickti
>> > me.php. Archival: http://www.webcitation.org/5jnPc0pNy
>> >
>> > Also what is sealpac-usa.com?
>> > http://whois.domaintools.com/sealpac-usa.com
>> > Archival: http://www.webcitation.org/5jnT7EULI
>> > Is it related to http://www.sealpacusa.com?
>> >
>> > I suppose crime doesn't pay.
>> >
>> > If you've had any issues with weev / Andrew Auernheimer, feel free
>> > to send in tips at http://tips.fbi.gov
>> >
>> > Informing on weev is super good. Perhaps you'll get immunity and
>> > some nice cash. Don't make him privy to your backstabbing until
>> > he sees you in court. :)
>> >
>> > JDL.
>> > -------- Original Message --------<br />
>> > From: Andrew A &lt;glutt...@gmail.com&gt;<br />
>> > Apparently from: full-disclosure-boun...@lists.grok.org.uk<br />
>> > To: GOBBLES &lt;j...@mac.hush.com&gt;<br />
>> > Cc: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk<br />
>> > Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Andrew Aurenheimer aka weev gets
>> > tree'd<br />
>> > Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 22:15:28 -0500<br />
>> > &nbsp;</p>
>> > <blockquote style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(160, 160, 160);
>> > border-right: 0px none; margin: 0pt 1ex; padding-left: 1ex;">lol buddy i
>> > put my name in my own fuckin' blog its not like youve discovered some
>> > big secret<br />
>> > <br />
>> > also, i lol that it took the worlds most well funded law enforcement
>> > agency working at the behest of the one true arm of satan just to dox
>> > me.<br />
>> > <br />
>> > you dudes are sad. <br />
>> > <br />
>> > lets smoke crack and kill jews.<br />
>> > <br />
>> >
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
>> > Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
>> > Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/
> _______________________________________________
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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