On 15 Oct 2009, at 07:24, Justin Klein Keane wrote:
> Applying the following patch mitigates these threats.
> - --- site_map/site_map.module    2009-09-30 15:09:49.295134033 -0400
> +++ site_map/site_map.module      2009-09-30 15:09:30.011119976 -0400
> @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ function site_map_help($path, $arg) {
>  switch ($path) {
>    case 'sitemap':
>      $output = _sitemap_get_message();
> - - -      return $output ? '<p>'. filter_xss($output) .'</p>' : '';
> +      return $output ? '<p>'. $output .'</p>' : '';
>  }
> }

Surely that should be the other way around?

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