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Hello Full-Disclosure,

The call for papers for the yStS (you Sh0t the Sheriff) conference is now

The 4th edition will be, once again, held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on May
17th, 2010.


you sh0t the Sheriff is a very unique event dedicated to bringing cutting
edge topics to the top-notch Information Security Community in Brazil.

yStS mixes the highest quality presentations and speakers from all over the
globe, covering diverse topics in information security.

Our goal is to help attendees understand the current state of the
information security world by mixing professionals and topics from
different Infosec segments of the market.

For the most part, yStS is an invite-only event. So, submitting a talk is
certainly a good hack to try to be there, especially if you're local.

Due to the success of previous years' editions, yes, we're keeping the same
* Kicked-back and cool environment
* YSTS 4 will be held at an almost secret location (only announced to whom
it may concern a couple of weeks before the con)
* and, once again, this secret location will be, most likely, a club or a
* and yes, we have (some) food and (lots of) drinks


The focus for YSTS 4 is anything related to InfoSec, including (but not
limited to):
   * Operating Systems
   * Career and Management topics
   * Mobile Devices/Embedded Systems
   * Information Security Audit and Control
   * Social Networking
   * Information Security Policies
   * Messing with Protocols
   * Networking/Telecommunication
   * Wireless and all RF related stuff
   * Incident Response & other applicable (and useful) Infosec Policies
   * Information Warfare
   * Malware/ BotNets
   * User awareness/ Social Networking Threats
   * Secure Programming
   * Hacker Spaces/ hacker community
   * Fuzzing
   * Physical Security
   * Virtualization
   * Webapp Security
   * "the" Cloud
   * Cryptography / Obfuscation
   * Infrastructure and Critical Systems
   * Caipirinha and Beer Hacks
   * and everything else security related you might think would be good for
the conference

We do like shorter talks, so, please submit your talks and remember they
must be 30 minutes long.
The new thing for this year is that we also are opened to some 15-minute
Some of the smart people around might not need 30 minutes to deliver a
message, or it might be a project that has been just kicked-off.
15 minutes might be your thing and that's nothing to be ashamed about.

you Sh0t the Sheriff is the perfect conference to release your new
projects, trust us. And yes, we do prefer new stuff and "first-time"
speakers are more than welcome. If you got good stuff to speak about,
that's all that matters.

(applies only to the 30 minute-long talks)

* USD 1,000.00 to help covering travel expenses for international speakers
* Breakfast, lunch and dinner during conference
* After-conference official party (and the unofficial ones)
* Auditing products in traditional Brazilian barbecue restaurants
* Life-time free admission for all future yStS conferences (yes, if you 've
spoken before at yStS, you have your free-entry guaranteed, just buy us a
beer, ohh, wait, it's free anyways, isn't it?)


Each paper submission must include the following information:

   * Name, title, address, email and phone/contact number
   * Short biography and qualification
   * Speaking experience
   * Do you need or have a visa to come to Brasil?
   * Summary or abstract for your presentation
   * is it a 30 minute or a 15 minute talk?
   * Technical requirements (others than LCD Projector)
   * Other publications or conferences where this material has been or
     will be published/submitted.

We do accept submissions in English, Portuguese or Spanish.


Final CFP Submission - February 28th, 2010
Final Notification of Acceptance - March 20th, 2010
Final Material Submission for accepted presentations - May 5th, 2010

    Please send your talk submission to cfp/at/ysts.org


Paper Submissions: cfp/at/ysts.org
General Inquiries:     b0ard/at/ysts.org
Sponsorship Inquiries:    sponsors/at/ysts.org


Check our archives session, including the videos, at www.ysts.org

We hope to see you there!

Luiz Eduardo & Nelson Murilo & Willian Caprino

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