On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 4:10 PM, James W. Lytle <jly...@uhcenter.com> wrote:
> Perhaps as a PROFESSIONAL, you could learn to temper your responses a little 
> more appropriately rather than allowing flames to get the better of you?

Incase people haven't realised why I lost my temper with him,

Son of Ram is the one behind the impersonations of me Andrew and a
Yahoo employee Henri.

He has no connections with either me Andrew, or Henri at any point in time.

He simply copied text from an open blog of mine which I shouldn't have
kept public,

It has now been secured and hopefully Son of Ram. intel unit, n3td4v
whatever name he wants to be known as, will leave me alone, Yahoo
employees alone and the list alone.

I am nearly 30 years old, I don't want to be part of this list any
longer and I don't appreciate him signing our names on the bottom of
his emails or even mentioning us.

Bring closure to the n3td3v era on this list, its done with, it was
done with a year ago, stop trying to revitalize n3td3v.

Take the hint, its over folks.


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