Hello, I just got off the phone with SOCA.

After careful review of your posts, they think you need to get a job and take 
the meds. They are concerned for your health.

--- james o' hare <jamesohar...@googlemail.com> schrieb am So, 21.3.2010:

Von: james o' hare <jamesohar...@googlemail.com>
Betreff: Re: [Full-disclosure] The feeling of being followed is horrible. Need 
freedom from survellience. Please god help.
An: full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
Datum: Sonntag, 21. März, 2010 23:44 Uhr

On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 10:41 PM, Mark Byrne <boogiebr...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> this mailing list has, over the last 6
> months or so (at least) been full of immature script-kiddy dicks

I think its funny that he has been pretending to be me for over 12
months non-stop and failed miserably. Please try harder Son of Ram, I
need more content to forward to SOCA so they can prosecute you.

Remember and here is a quote from Andy Auld, head of intelligence at
SOCA's e-crime department:

“The legal system doesn’t work against nicknames and email addresses.
It works against real names and real addresses”.



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