It seems that Freenode's policy regarding projects that they host is 
that THEY control who you identify as members of your project.  Also if 
you ask them to cloak someone they don't want to cloak, you will be 
silenced, as seen below.  Incidentally "kloeri" is a volunteer for the 
Exherbo project referenced below.  Note the timestamps, and the delay 
before I was pointlessly silenced.

==> FreeNode-#freenode.log <==
Jun 25 03:29:47 <trelane>    jayne, a decision about _MY_ namespace?
Jun 25 03:30:23 <trelane>    bazhang, I haven't seen that it's 
in-evidence that this user has any bans placed against him
Jun 25 03:30:24 <tsimpson>    trelane: a cloak decision has nothing to 
do with your namespace
Jun 25 03:30:33 <kloeri>    trelane: stop being so dramatic - it's about 
whether we're going to cloak that user or not, not about your namespace
Jun 25 03:30:35 <trelane>    tsimpson, this is a funtoo/ cloak, not an 
unaffiliated cloak
Jun 25 03:30:43 <tsimpson>    trelane: it's still a cloak
Jun 25 03:31:00 <trelane>    tsimpson, which takes 10-15 seconds to set?
Jun 25 03:31:18 <trelane>    I don't see any sort of justification for a 
claim that it requires a massive amount of volunteer resources, however 
I will grant that staff's time is volunteered
Jun 25 03:32:22 <HeisSpiter>    The discussion has produced any progress 
since it's been started... 30 minutes ago
Jun 25 03:32:23 *    BTouch has quit (Quit: i'm)
Jun 25 03:32:29 <tsimpson>    it's a staff decision if a cloak should be 
set at all, regardless of what type of cloak
Jun 25 03:32:31 <HeisSpiter>    You should consider giving up for the 
moment trelane
Jun 25 03:32:39 <HeisSpiter>    Untill they give their decision
Jun 25 03:32:48 <HeisSpiter>    You can't do anything without their 
approval, so...
Jun 25 03:33:17 <Prodego>    I'm sure there is a good reason trelane
Jun 25 03:35:24 <trelane>    Prodego, a good reason is insufficient in 
this case as what's been said here is that freenode reserves the right 
to meddle in my project, this is somewhat concerning, and clarification 
of such a statement should be immediately forthcoming
Jun 25 03:36:01 <HeisSpiter>    ~
Jun 25 03:36:01 <Prodego>    I'd suggest using your own irc network if 
you want complete control over network functions like userhosts
Jun 25 03:36:19 <sauvin>    trelane, all freenode cloaks are subject to 
freenode staffers' discretion. Get over it.
Jun 25 03:36:36 <kloeri>    trelane: please drop it
Jun 25 03:36:51 <trelane>    sauvin, my problem is that I have _NEVER_ 
seen that documented anywhere
Jun 25 03:36:55 <Saul_Goodman>    I'd wonder how canonical would feel if 
staffers had issues with some of their members and would not cloak them
Jun 25 03:36:56 <Prodego>    kloeri: that was sort of my fault, apologies
Jun 25 03:36:59 <trelane>    as requested I will be dropping this and 
addressing it with tomaw tomorrow
Jun 25 03:37:20 <trelane>    Saul_Goodman, considering the "issues" 
between exherbo and Gentoo staffers, and the number of exherbo users on 
Jun 25 03:37:22 <jayne>    Saul_Goodman: it's happened, and they were 
quite accomodating
Jun 25 03:37:26 <trelane>    I'd think Gentoo Foundation would have more 
Jun 25 03:39:24 *    kloeri sets mode +q #freenode trelan...@*

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