On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 12:12 PM, Christian Sciberras <uuf6...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Call me paranoid, but I stick to the #1 rule of never ever trusting the 
> public.

That is what is good about WoT. You can set the policy on who to
trust. You can trust only yourself, certain people, or $BIGCORP if
that is what you want. Right now your browser by default trusts one of
over 600 different groups, some of which are governments:


> I'd rather have a company pay some good bucks to get their hands on a
> highly trusted certificate than kids who's aim in life is wiping as
> much hard disks as possible.

"highly trusted"? You're joking, right?

> Which also answers why those $10-$20 assholes does a better job than
> the kids we all know about...

"kids" aren't trusted unless that is who you decide to trust.

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