I've been reading the list of emails with some mild interest and....

Mr Oquendo couldn't have hit a better answer.

If I had to pick one, I'd vote for "Why would Wikipedia be down?"

Anyway, let me say one thing. What happened to all the fuss about "dll
hijack exploits"?
Did they live up to their name? When will we have "executable Kamikaze"?

Want a piece of my mind? Read Schneier article on "the 'SCADA' virus"...

Cheers, Chris.

On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 3:41 PM, J. Oquendo <s...@infiltrated.net> wrote:

> Harry Behrens wrote:
> >
> > If you don't understand why something like Wikileaks being down with no
> > obvious reason or explanation is an issue - then I guess "continue
> > sleeping"...
> > And it is indeed a security issue - in fact of international
> proportions..
> >
> >
> Oh please. The world does not stop for Wikileaks going down in fact, I
> guarantee you that in over 90% of the places you will visit this week,
> no one will know or even care that Wikileaks is down.
> "Security issue of international proportions" my ass. Life goes on,
> people go on, no government, agency, official, business nor individual
> stopped functioning, living, breathing because Wikileaks went down.
> Reality is, outside of a "very small segment" of individuals, no one
> cares to be quite frank. To prove this point, ask the next 10 people you
> say: "Do you know Wikileaks is down!?" and study their response. Wanna
> bet 99% will respond something similar to one of the following:
> "So?"
> "What's Wikileaks?"
> "Why would Wikipedia be down?"
> "Who cares"
> "What do they do?"
> "Why should I care"
> "And this has what to do with me?"
> --
> =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
> J. Oquendo
> "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to
> ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things
> differently." - Warren Buffett
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