On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 11:44 PM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]
<cal.leem...@simplicitymedialtd.co.uk> wrote:
> You do raise a very good argument, especially the part about "security
> through obscurity".
> I don't know if Wikileaks have done a good thing or not, but rather than
> release everything, they should have had someone analyse the documents, and
> pick out the bits which they felt the public needed to know (anything
> considered a scandal etc) .. We don't care about soldiers movements or
> tactics, but an insurgent might... I see little reason why they'd need to
> release all the documents, other than out of lazyness/insufficient staff to
> review all the info..
I was trying hard to not respond to this thread.  I am not condoning
or condemning wikileaks however the above statement sort of misses the
point of wikileaks.  the mass media does what you have suggested and
look how well that works.  wikileaks rightly or wrongly (and possibly
unsuccessfully) tries to overcome these issues by presenting the raw
information so people can make there own mind up.

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