> The one thing Mr. Perry has not done, and which, if his claims have any
> merit at all, he could easily do, since he claims he's no longer under NDA,
> is post the code that proves that there is a backdoor.  After all, he
> supposedly wrote it, along with others.  He must know precisely what and
> where it is.  At a minimum he could say that Theo needs to closely audit
> netif.h or crypto.c or des_setkey.c or something similar.

Is you confuse expired NDA of him as a person (Perry) than him hasing
capability to publish this code if is he do has it. But you no is read
he is not say he make code.

> So why hasn't he posted the code?  I can think of some plausible reasons.
> (There may be others.)  Perhaps he wants to create FUD around OpenBSD for
> some reason.  (Note to musnt live: I don't use OpenBSD.  If you had a clue
> how to read mail headers you would know that or if you had the simple
> skills to do a Google search, you would know that I'm a port maintainer for
> FreeBSD.  Oh, I've installed and run OpenBSD in the past.  But I haven't
> used it in years.  And I don't give a hoot about it or about Theo, one way
> or the other.  And the thought of smelling his crotch has never once
> crossed my mind - but it did yours - which leads to some interesting
> questions about your proclivities.)

Is you believe he could still has code and release proof without
getting is into trouble. No. Is he release code and say: "here is code
for proof" so then Без перевода like you can is say: "this is no
proof, you is making this up" is this no is paradox to you?

Schmehl: Prove it
Perry: Is here is code!!!
Schmehl: You is make this up!!!

Schmehl: Prove it
Perry: I is no have code :*(
Schmehl: You is make this up!!!

> The fact that I have to write all this irritates me.  It's a waste of my
> time.  But that's the price you pay for being on the internet, which
> abounds with idiots who will swallow every wild and unsubstantiated claim
> without question and who live in a world of paranoia where Big Brother is
> always right around the corner.

Is no one asking you for is your expertease Mr. Schmehl, is in fact we
say is you need retire back to мошонка sniffing

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