LOL.  Yeah, it seems like I get myself in this cycle of "OMG, really?" followed 
by "maybe people are starting to learn" and then back to disappointment. 

To be honest, this was something that I never really considered (shared, 
persistent keys on routers).  In hindsight, it seems like an obvious concern, 
but it is still interesting.  


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michal Zalewski []
> Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 8:16 AM
> To: Thor (Hammer of God)
> Cc: Craig Heffner;
> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Default SSL Keys in Multiple Routers
> > These manufacturers use the same key on each of their models?  That
> > seems ridiculous to me...
> As a person who had a Siemens AP / router with a hardcoded, hidden
> "management" account on it, I find your surprise entertaining ;-)
> Craig, cool project.
> /mz

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