On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 10:57 PM, coderman <coder...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...
> "good entropy is hard", is the theme of that thread.


"I agree that there's a good paper in this, I would love to see the
entropy added by the multi-consumer model quantified, or even an upper
bound placed on it.  In the past when I've given my talk on randomness
in the OpenBSD network stack, I've discussed this and I always ask for
someone to come forward with such a paper.

Unfortunately I don't get the impression that the amateur cryptographers
questioning the OpenBSD PRNG are qualified to produce such a paper (if
they were, they wouldn't be mailing here, they'd be submitting it to
real cryptographers for peer review)"

perhaps musnt live will respond with a formal proof of entropy bound in obsd...

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