Doh!!! 20th, not 22nd!!!

Major Malfunction wrote:
> I know it's 3 weeks out, but there's a lot going on that week so I 
> wanted to make sure you've got this in your calendars!
> You wanted technical, you got it....  In March we quantum'd your minds 
> then keylogged you with 13 lines of code: Thanks to Gregoire of IDQ for 
> the drinks and the great talk. Thanks to Krunch for the Systemtap 
> walkthrough and entertaining delivery!
> ... and now to April - it's the INFOSEC edition! Every year on Infosec 
> Wednesday we pull a rabbit out of the hat and wake up peoples brains
> - Providing some relief from the product focused marketing in that big 
> hall. This year we've also got BSides London in town, so you've got 
> twice the reason to make the trip!
> Where:
>    DOWNSTAIRS!@ The Phoenix, Cavendish Square
>    Oxford Circus nearest tube
> When:
>   Wednesday April 20th
> Venue ours from 17:30, talks start 19:30
> Notice: currently talking to people who want to buy you drinks, early in 
> the evening. This is traditional for infosec.
> We have 2 excellent speakers & talks - don't miss this.
>   Technical Talk: Evading Defences - Steve Lord.
>   Fun Talk: "cccamd, spartacus, and the largest sat-card sharing ring in 
> the world" - Neil 'mu-b' Kettle
> Administrativa:
>   BE EARLY. We have a max capacity and every year for the last 3 years 
> we have filled whatever venue we have been at on this night! You have 
> been warned!
> See you in 17 days!
> cheers,
> MM/Alien

Adam Laurie                         Tel: +44 (0) 20 7993 2690
Suite 117                           Fax: +44 (0) 1308 867 949
61 Victoria Road
KT6 4JX                   

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Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

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