I think its just a bruteforce.

On 6/6/11, Andreas Bogk <andr...@andreas.org> wrote:
> Excerpts from lulzfail's message of Mo Jun 06 08:39:42 +0200 2011:
>> Lulzsec == pwnt
> I've seen the log you pasted to pastebin.  Is this:
>  * A timing attack on ssh passwords over the net?
>  * Fake, to distract us from your real 0day?
> Andreas
> Log:
> root@gibson:~# ./1337hax0r -root
> Attempting too hax0r root password on
> h,VhXz<avMm
> 3xL<l1-_\wC
> ffsakTgyc~H
> ZZrz,pJrg<B
> b{4Bv_Y$$Z6
> XDh;vDU-;3>
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> }qHNvkS"'>g
> RNBKvUi5yO|
> z`(}v<1^>u&
> *V4?vh9#^f2
> /R*9vf<h"Z#
> 9P65vjKhh.N
> \rfsv~PhNDz
> J%"kvf]hGf0
> sY0"v{2hf7p
> *<Tbv7?h.**
> }:lkvV^hN2U
> ;&5Xv'Sh#}_
> MOqpvi_hg+#
> Md9/viVh&u7
> M(%rvomhb'"
> MI"5v_shEVe
> M=@?vl.hZge
> MPk5v:WhUTe
> M=3vvrzh7Te
> M&'?v]sh`Te
> M/Z,vI1h`Te
> M.9>vO$hTTe
> Ms!(vY;hpTe
> MA)SvYLhnTe
> M7eCv@Lh0Te
> MkeCvFLh$Te
> M'eCv?LhaTe
> M&eCvLLh|Te
> M*eCv5Lh\Te
> MmeCvcLhCTe
> MTeCv&LhrTe
> M,eCv1LhYTe
> MEeCv}LhHTe
> M_eCvSLhnTe
> MPeCvSLh+Te
> M[eCvSLh,Te
> MOeCvSLh"Te
> M7eCvSLh"Te
> MGeCvSLhdTe
> M$eCvSLhkTe
> MCeCvSLhkTe
> MLeCvSLhkTe
> M=eCvSLhkTe
> M-eCvSLhkTe
> MweCvSLhkTe
> M=eCvSLhkTe
> M3eCvSLhkTe
> M6eCvSLhkTe
> MreCvSLhkTe
> M6eCvSLhkTe
> MFeCvSLhkTe
> MSeCvSLhkTe
> M8eCvSLhkTe
> Password hax0rd! root password: M8eCvSLhkTe
> root@gibson:~# ssh
> root@'s password:
> root@xyz:~# hostname; id; w
> xyz
> uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
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Gichuki John Ndirangu, C.E.H , C.P.T.P, O.S.C.P
I.T Security Analyst and Penetration Tester
jgichuki at inbox d0t com


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