Not only was there a critical flaw in the forensic software, but after the 
designer reported incorrect findings, the prosecution decided to keep it a 

Pursuant to my earlier post about an encryption case,
  , I emailed John Walsh, the US Attorney heading up the case and went into a 
detailed explanation, complete with hard file-based examples, of how bad an 
idea it was to attempt to legally compel the defendant to provide decrypted 
files as evidence, and received no word back at all.    I didn't expect much, 
but at least a "thanks for providing some technical information on how we 
making grave mistakes" would have been nice.

Given all the crap I've seen and experienced in my life, you would think I 
would know better than to expect people with the power of making a difference 
to actually do the right thing, but for some reason I continue to believe in 
honor and integrity.   But when I see Florida prosecutors willfully withholding 
evidence to the *contrary* of what was submitted in the court of law (when a 
woman's life was at stake) and the arguments that people like Walsh make while 
disregarding impact on the Constitution, I see how misplaced my trust in 
government is.  Douche bags.


Timothy "Thor"  Mullen

Thor's Microsoft Security 
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