*The Hacker News <http://thehackernews.com/>* is starting to prepare the
next issue of '*The Hacker News
Magazine*<http://thehackernews.com/p/magazine.html>'. Submissions
are invited for a 6th up coming special November Issue as "*Anniversary
Edition*". If you have something interesting to write, please drop us an
email at : *thehackern...@gmail.com*

Yes ! We are going to Celebrate '*The Hacker News*'  1st Anniversary on 1
November, 2011 . Each Issue/Article of our Magazine and Website aims to
spread Awareness and Knowledge about Cyber Security. We gather articles from
young minds that deal closely with the topic of Security and Hacking

*Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:*
- New Attack and Defense Techniques
- Vulnerability discovery
- Small Tactics & Techniques - Big Attacks & Impact
- Mobile Hacking
- Professional Exploit Development
- Security and Hacking Events Around The World
- Technical Book Reviews
- Security and Hacking Threats
- Play with Security Tools
- Expert Interview

*Note : *The deadline for articles is 25th October,2011. For Further
information and guidelines Email us at : *thehackern...@gmail.com*
Read More at :

*The Hacker News <http://www.thehackernews.com/>*
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